Volunteer to be part of one of our committees! Members are encouraged to participate in one of our committees or better yet become a committee chair. Committee meetings are held on an as needed basis determined by committee chair. Email us today.
Education/Practice Committee promotes understanding and adherence to ethical, professional, and legal standards of nursing practice. Considers matters affecting all facets of nursing education and shall be responsible for planning programs to be presented at Association meeting.
Public Relations/Membership Committee studies, evaluates, and devises plans relating to membership promotion, recruitment, and retention. Promote recognition and visibility of nurses and nursing activities in the community.
Nominating Committee (either elected at the Annual Meeting or appointed by the Board of Directors) shall inform members of the offices to be filled, request suggestions from the membership and prepare a ballot of the nominees for each office to be filled at our Annual member meeting in November.
Scholarship Committee Review applications and determine recipients of annual Nursing Scholarship under the direction of committee chair.