The Professional Nurses Association of South Central NY mission is to foster high standards of nursing, promote the professional and educational advancement of nurses, and advocate for the welfare of nurses to achieve the outcome of better health for all.
We provide networking opportunities and education to the general community in Broome and Tioga counites. Our Board of Directors and officers are elected by their peers and function to promote services commensurate to support human needs and represent nurses and nursing to the public.
Historically, Southern Tier nursing practice had its formal roots in 1919 when the alumni of three local nursing schools merged to respond to changing times. They became incorporated in 1934 as NY State District 5 (NYSNA). In 2014, members of NYSNA District 5 and their Board of Directors formally transitioned to be known as the Professional Nurses Association (PNA) of South Central NY.
On August 24, 2015, the PNA of South Central NY was formally affiliated with the American Nurses Association - New York (ANA-NY). This was an exciting time for nursing in NY State. The collaborating organizations had the potential to strengthen the voice of nursing across the state. Click Here to Learn more about our history.
We are proud to provide and facilitate networking opportunities and education to the general nursing community in Broome and Tioga counites.
Our Board of Directors and officers are elected by their peers and function to promote services commensurate to support human needs and represent nurses and nursing to the public.
Every year since 1983, our committees have collaborated and gathered to celebrate, unite, and promote the image of nursing in our communities. This gathering known as Nurses Day Breakfast occurs every May during Nurses Week to recognize nurses who have gone above and beyond to promote their practice in the profession of nursing.
Standing strong…
We invite RNs to join us and help make a difference! Together we can support high quality nursing practice and strengthen our voices.
Already a member? Consider becoming a board member of participate on a committee. Contact us for more information.
Learn more about our Association by skimming through our short bylaws.